Old Souls is an episodic slice-of-life animated series following four college-age protagonists, Harper Rogan, Ace, and Chief. Within the seven minor characters, there are four who attend school with the Old Souls. Strawberry is a photography student, Pandora is a fashion design student, Caroline is a music student specializing in the fiddle, and Juniper is a 2D art instructor at the Cube Azule. The last three are athletes from Cobalt Sports U, Kaine who is the center man for the Colbalt Cheetahs ice hockey team, Bones who is the goaltender for the Colbalt hockey team, and Sabre who plays for the Colbalt Cheetahs softball team as the pitcher.
Harper is the shy traditional animator, who's solid in her ways and doesn't like change. She almost flies under the radar, not only because she's physically small but because she purposely hides from being seen.
Rogan is the straight-to-the-point, somewhat unpredictable character designer. Strongly grounded and refuses to move or change.
Ace is the oddball storyboard artist. For a start he always has a rat on his shoulder but, even stranger he seems to always be having a conversation with Ratthew.
Rounding out the group is Chief, the background artist, also the most grounded of the group who holds everyone together making sure no one flies off the handle.
The series follows this group through their college days and the struggles they face individually and together. How the past can affect the present or future, and how your world can change at the drop of a hat. The 7 other minor characters make up the rest of the cast, these character all have their own storylines that intertwine with the main cast.